Alice WR
A visual artist and a freelancer photographer, she has produced authorial and documental works. She often shoots with one eye on aesthetics and the other on contemplation, looking for the spaces' essence. She aims for a subjective and emotional representation of reality, using the lens as a mean to transform it and embed it with the poetry it seems to lack. She participates in artistic projects and contributes to collective and solo photography and painting exhibitions. She promotes debates and tertúlias about photography.
Ana Carvalho
She's a literary translator and lives in Amsterdam. She's the author of our profile picture. She has an MA in German and English Literature (Leipzig) and a Portuguese Lectureship from Humboldt-Universität in Berlim. She worked as a translator for the European Union. As a photographer, she contributed to a number of magazines and several solo and collective exhibitions. Together with her husband, Harrie Lemmens, she created Zuca-Magazine, a publication featuring literature and photography, where she is responsible for the graphic design of both digital and paper editions. She contributed to two thematic issues published by a Dutch publishing house: one dedicated to poetry, the other to the poet Fernando Pessoa.

Ana Gilbert
She was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She's a psychotherapist, researcher and photographer. She's one of the founder members of Minimalista Editora, together with other fellow writers in Portugal. Her work with images, words and imagination led her to a mix of literature and photography, exploring images as narratives. After many years of academic writing, she now dedicates herself to fictional writing. Her constant creative purpose is to transform words into photography and photography into words. She works in partnership with writers and photographers: she photographs words (her own and others') and writes photographies. She manages the blog Sutilezas do Olhar and contributes to the collective blog Fotografar Palavras.
Ana Moderno
She was born in Pombal, Portugal. She graduated in Cultural Communication, Museology and Artistic Intervention and Animation, and she's a Museum curator since 2005. She also has a passion for performative arts: she acts in the group Nariz – Teatro de Grupo, Leiria; for writing: she's a member of the collective publisher Minimalista, together with 11 authors; and photography, on which she contributes to a number of projects.

Carla de Sousa
She was born in Luanda, Angola, and lives in Leiria. Since 2012, photography has become her main form of artistic expression. Through her images, she tries to capture the poetry of everyday life in minimal details and shades of light, using self portrait and body as tools for self knowledge and poetic performance.
Céline Gaille
A French photographer based in Toulouse, after having been living in Paris, Lisbon, Rome and New York. Her personal writing comes from the questioning of being “foreign”, the feeling of exile, identity and origins. Following some time in Lisbon, she published a monography about family secrets and photographic manipulation: “Accepte-le, un álbum portugais 1919-1979”, The Eyes Publishing – followed by an exhibition at the board of the Festival “Encontros da Imagem” in Braga, Portugal, 2016.

Cristina Vicente
She was born in Venezuela and lives in Estarreja, a city located in a region of privileged landscapes at Ria de Aveiro. Her passion for photography and writing led to her contributing to the blog Fotografar Palavras. She has developed her own project since April, Do pó dos dias infindáveis. She will publish her first novel in 2022 in Minimalista Editora.
Frankie Boy
Frankie Boy is Licínio Florêncio's nickname. In 2018 and 2019 his work was selected to the “Le plus grand concours photo du monde” by the magazine PHOTO, and in 2019 and 2020, he was featured in the Pinhole Porto Photography at Galeria Mira Forum. In 2020 he contributed to the exhibition Fotografar Palavras at Museu Mimo in Leiria. His work was selected to the 6th Fine Art Photography Awards in Nude Category, was distinguished with an honorable mention in ND Awards 2020, and was selected to the Dodho Magazi and Monovisions Photography Awards.

Goretti Pereira
She was born in the Portuguese island of S. Miguel, Azores, was raised in Bermuda and moved to London in the '80s, where she worked in the financial sector until retirement. Her passion for photography began casually and then developed by focusing on both traditional black-and-white and digital colour techniques. Her main focus has been on architecture, cityscapes, landscapes, and street photography, with an approach that leans more towards black-and-white analogue photography, as she finds working in the traditional printing process therapeutic. For her, photography is more than just captivating the right moment, but rather, giving imagination a flexibility that creates timeless images with inherent stories to tell. She has contributed to a number of collective and solo exhibitions in Greenwich, London.
Jordi Burch
He was born in Barcelona, grew up in Lisbon and lives in São Paulo. He studied at Ar.Co and was a member of Kameraphoto group. He published in a number of newspapers and magazines. His work was exhibited at the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Plataforma Revólver, Museu AfroBrasil, Encontros da Imagem, Fundação EDP, PhotoEspaña, Centro Cultural de Luanda, and other places. In 2015 he published his debut: Havia Sol e Éramos Novos.

José Luís Jorge
He was born in Leiria, where he lives. He graduated in Comunicação Social. His work has been published in newspapers and magazines such as Diário de Leiria, Jornal de Leiria, Região de Leiria, Diário de Notícias, Público, Sol, Expresso, Visão, Tempo Livre, Invest, Volta ao Mundo, Preguiça Magazine, Up Magazine and Modernism.ro – Magazine Romeno de Arte. He has worked in documental photography to companies and oficial entities (councils, CEPAE, Embassy of Romania in Portugal, Romanian Cultural Institute, Direção Geral do Património Cultural, Fundação EDP, Fundação INATEL, Águas do Centro Portugal). He's the author of the book O Cheiro das Especiarias and of the e-book A Reinvenção dos Dias, and co-author of the Os Trabalhadores Laneiros no Distrito de Leiria and Sensibilidades 25. He contributed to a number of collective and solo exhibitions in Portugal, Spain, Germany and France. In 2019 he won the Prémio Internacional Books & Movies.
Juliana Monteiro Carrascoza
She was born in Rio de Janeiro and lives in São Paulo, Brazil, where she studied Literature and works as a teacher. In 2017, as a photographer, she launched the book ‘Catálogo de perdas’ (40 short stories and 40 photographies), a co-authorship with the writer João Anzanello Carrascoza. This book was selected by the Festival ZUM, shortlisted for the prize Jabuti and winner of the prize FNLIJ. She has contributed to a number of collective exhibitions, Festivals of Photography and to the MIS-SP, and published Pandora (2020) and Aprendiz (2021), both author’s editions.

Fotografia de ©Vitor

Artistic name of Lucas Silvestre Maxlhaieie. Born in Maputo, Mozambique, he lives at Província de Gaza. He graduated in Law from Escola Superior de Economia e Gestão, is a jurist and primary teacher at Vila de Caniçado Guijá. In 2017, he won the literary prize for the 27th International Poetry Contest ALPAS 21, Brazil. He has contributed to the magazines Mahungo, Soletras, Xitende (nationals), Incomunidade (Portugal) and the newspaper Correio da Palavra (Brazil). He's a member of the Associação Cultural Xitende, a poet, reciter, photographer, and organises cultural soirees and poetry festivals in secondary schools at Província de Gaza.
Manuela Vaz
She was born in Oporto, Portugal. She studied at the Instituto Português de Fotografia (2006). In 2018 she completed an MA in Artistic Photography from the Instituto Português de Comunicação e Imagem (IPCI). Since 2000, she has been regularly exhibiting her works at solo and collective exhibitions in Portugal and abroad, including Spain, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Russia and Servia. Her work has been published in photography magazines and books. She also has a few works in private collections.

Mónica Brandão
She was born in Coimbra, Portugal, and graduated in Comunication Design from High School of Arts in Coimbra, where she had the opportunity to study Photography, among other subjects. In 2021, her work was awarded the best Portuguese photography at the contest Mira Mobile Prize, under the theme “Em Casa”. In 2020, her poems were featured in the poetry anthology “Eu, Ela, Nós Mulheres”. She studies creative writing, music and drama.
Ozias Filho
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he’s a poet, photographer and publisher. He wrote Poemas do dilúvio, Insulares, Páginas despidas and O relógio avariado de Deus. As a photographer, he has published a few books, and has contributed to a number of exhibitions, namely Ar de Arestas at the Museum of Mordern Art Murilo Mendes, Brazil. He took part in the initiative Passado e Presente – Lisboa Capital Ibero-americana da Cultura 2017 with the essay Quasinvisível. He has been living in Portugal since 1991 and is a publisher at Edições Pasárgada. He signs the column Quem eu vejo quando leio for Jornal Rascunho.

Fotografia de © Raquel Barata

Rafael Vieira
He was born in Coimbra, where he studied Architecture. He did a scholarship in a farm-studio at Coimbra's hinterland, worked in Barcelona and then in Lisbon. Here, where he stayed for a decade, he worked in his professional field until things got scarce. He created a company in LX Factory and was the editor of the magazines DIF and Le Cool Lisboa. He contributed to a number of publications and joined the association Movimento Acorda Lisboa. He lived in Antuérpia, Luxemburgo, Siracusa and Viterbo. He then came back to Coimbra, did an MA in Reabilitação de Edifícios and is still working as an architect. He contributes to the magazines Parq, Bica and Coolectiva, and manages the Instagram page Coimbrastreetart.
Sílvia Bernardino
She was born in Leiria and graduated in Architecture from the Escola Universitária das Artes de Coimbra (EUAC) in 1998. In 2007 she founded the studio ONZE in Leiria (a partnership with the architect Paulo Azevedo Pinto), where she has been working up to this day. In 2013 she created the project IMPROVISO®️.

Sónia Silva
She graduated in Graphic Arts and has been living in the UK for several years. She loves photography since childhood, and has worked in editorial photography. Most of her personal projects have developed through narrative and subjective imagery expression. She has had a number of solo exhibitions in the UK and recently contributed to the exhibition ”Fotografar Palavras” at the Museu da Imagem em Movimento in Leiria. She also contributes as a creative designer to Minimalista, an independent publisher.
Susana Gonçalves
She’s a university teacher. She writes regularly about Art and its role in the contemporary society. She coordinated the work ‘Art in diverse social settings’ (2021, Emerald). Her artistic work focuses on photography and visual arts (painting, drawing, digital art and site-specific installation) and she has contributed to collective and solo exhibitions. She is part of the collectives ‘Pescada nº 5’ and ‘Albertinas’, and contributes to INstantes, Festival of Photography in Avintes (May 2021).

Teresa Bret Afonso
She was born in Caminha, Portugal. She enjoys traveling the world with a backpack. In her journeys, which can be to the next-door yard or the other side of the globe, she looks for authenticity, simplicity, smiles and smells, a different day to day life. The will to immortalize that which she sees and feels led to the photographic images she shares on blogs and collective exhibitions.
Teresa dos Santos
She was born in Germany and lives in Maia. She became interested in photography early in life, but only recently has she been exploring this area with more and more enthusiasm and dedication, turning it into a way of communication and emotional expression, a way of sharing her vision of the world, a way of getting in touch with her inner self and the others. Her work in photography can be followed at Instagram and Ello, and she has been featured in the newspaper Público and in a number of photography websites. She contributes to the collective blog Fotografar Palavras.