Ana Biscaia
A graphic designer and illustrator, she has an MA in Fine Arts from Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, in Stockholm. Her debut picture book Negrume was published by &etc in 2006 and written by Amadeu Baptista. She illustrated Poesia de Luís de Camões para Todos, an anthology selected and organised by José António Gomes, which was awarded a distinction from the Prémio Nacional de Ilustração in 2009. She won that same prize in 2012, with the book A Cadeira Que Queria Ser Sofá, written by Clovis Levi. O Carnaval dos Animais, written by Rui Caeiro, was selected for the prize TITAN Illustration in Design. She published Que Luz Estarias a Ler? (2014) and Poemas do Conta-Gotas (2015) with João Pedro Mésseder. She founded Xerefé, an independent publisher of picture books.
Catarina Gomes
She was born in Oporto and is a communication designer (FBAUP) and illustrator (IPCA). Her work has been distinguished and awarded by entities such as CINANIMA, Art Books Wanted International Award and the 3x3 Magazine. She currently works in illustration and writing, contributes to illustration exhibitions and organises workshops.

Heduardo Kiesse
He was born in Angola, has an MA in Culture and Communication, and graduated in Philosophy from the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. He's the author of the webpage Paradoxos (since 2013) and of the blog Fotomorfoses (since 2012). He has contributed to a number of newspapers and magazines as well as organised poetry readings.
Inês Soares
She was born in Oporto, Portugal, where she graduated in Visual Arts from the Faculdade de Belas Artes (2015) and completed a post-graduation in Illustration from the same institution (2018). She has contributed to exhibitions since 2013 and was shortlisted at the XII Illustration International Festival in S. João da Madeira. She’s co-author of the collective ARiSCA and an art-educator at the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Serralves and at ASAS Association (Trofa and Alvarelhos, 2021). She has contributed to a number of festivals since 2016, including BOA - Bombarda Oficinas de Artes, Zigurfest and Bienal de Arte Contemporânea da Maia 2021.

Lelena Lucas
She was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. She's a visual artist, a writer, a choreographer, and manages the dancing school Corpo Escola de Dança.
Luciana Grether
She's a writer, illustrator and teaches Arts & Design at the PUC-Rio and at schools in RJ. She has an MA in Arts & Design (PUC-Rio, 2006), a graduation in Arts (UniBennett, 2003) and a Bachelor in Arts & Design (PUC-Rio, 2000). She illustrated over 30 books, and has produced around 100 illustrations to the newspaper Jornal do Brasil. She organised workshops, participated in lectures and debates at BIB 2019 (Bienal Internacional de Bratislava); UAL (Universidade Autônoma in Lisbon, 2015); FLIP (she was the guest illustrator for Flipinha 2014); project Mala de Herança in Viena, 2019; Casa do Brasil in Munich, 2017; and in literary weeks at schools, SESC, FLIST, BLITZ Literária of SME at RJ, LER, Park Library.

Luísa Portugal
Born in Arouca, Portugal, she studies Communication Design at the Faculty of Belas Artes, Oporto. She has illustrated solidary books published in Portugal by Ajudaris, and lusophone countries by HumanitAVE – Humanitarian Emergency Association, supported by UNESCO. Her work has been awarded a number of illustration prizes. She also dedicates herself to scouting and is a member of “Os Fora da Casca”, having been developing projects on sustainability. Recently, she finished Elevate Leadership – Young Leaders Development Training Program, which instated the Paul Harris Academy, Rotary District 1970, AEP Foundation and Portuguese Catholic University.
Mafalda Milhões
She's an illustrator, publisher, bookseller, author and reading mediator. She graduated in Graphic Arts in Tomar, she's a disciple of Gutenberg and one of the founders of the editorial project "O Bichinho de Conto", now based in Óbidos. Her work has been awarded a number of distinctions. In 2014 she was awarded the Gourmand Award for Best Illustrated CookBook in Spain, with the book Marux (OQO).

An illustrator, she was born in Leiria, Portugal. She has contributed to a number of projects, including the collective blog ‘Fotografar Palavras’ and the books ‘Para onde vai o tempo? Relatos e ficções à volta de contextos de vulnerabilidade’ and ‘(RE)Existir. Narrativas em contexto de pandemia.’ She illustrated the book and eBook ‘O Corpo Sonha’, by Paulo Kellerman. She works as an illustrator at Minimalista (publishing house). She is currently studying Visual Arts and Multimedia at the University of Évora. She was awarded a scholarship from the Joana Vasconcelos Foundation.
Marta Madureira
She teaches at Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, is a director of the MA in Illustration and Animation from the same institution, and she's an illustrator. She was awarded the National Illustration Prize (2010 and 2011);1st prize 3x3 Magazine of Contemporary Illustration 2012; Prémio SPA – Portuguese Society of Authors 2016 for best children's book with Inês Fonseca Santos; she got a silver medal in the contest Clube de Criativos de Portugal 2016; she was featured in the White Ravens 2016; she got a silver medal for illustration in the Art Directors Club of Europe 2016; she was shortlisted for the World Illustration Award 2017; she got a merit in 3x3 Magazine of Contemporary Illustration 2019. She has illustrated around 30 children's books. She's the author of the series “As Máquinas de Maria” sponsored by the Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual. She founded the publishing house Tcharan together with Adélia Carvalho.

Phoe McCallum
They consider themselves a political reactionary artist with a particular fascination for large, unsettling multimedia sculptures: the balance between political injustice and taboo subjects drives their artistic narrative. As a non-binary (afab) individual they’ve always had an uncomfortable relationship with menstruation, nonetheless, that relationship is theirs and deserves to remain entirely separate from the hands of politics. In turn, this essence of bodily autonomy forefronts their artwork, as they incorporate the grotesque into their work to unnerve their audience and make the limitation of reproductive rights an inescapable issue for all.
Rachel Caiano
She's a visual artist and illustrator. She won the Prémio Bissaya Barreto de Literatura para a Infância 2014 with the book Pequeno Livro das Coisas, which was also shortlisted for the Prémio SPA 2013 and the Prémio Jovens Criadores 2007 (illustration category). The book Os Dois Lados was selected to the exhibition The White Ravens 2008, organised by International Youth Library, present at Bologna Children's Book Fair; her book O Leão e o Coelho Saltitão was selected to the same event in 2009. She has illustrated books from various literary genres that were published in a number of countries, and she contributes to magazines and other publications,

Rafael Ibarra
He's from Cuernavaca, Mexico, and has an MA in Visual Arts. Currently he lives and works in Vila Verde, Portugal. His work ranges from drawing, painting, engraving, to sound art, photography and video. He has contributed to collective and solo exhibitions in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom and Portugal, at events such as the Cerveira Bienal, TIAF London, Festival Stranglussen of video and performance in Florianopolis, Brazil, Guadalajara Book Fair in Mexico, and others.
Rita Reis
She was born in Aveiro, Portugal, and graduated in Visual Arts & Sculpture from the Faculdade de Belas Artes at the University of Oporto. During her graduation, she created the Mimotrapus, a universe that contains distant imagery, full of different and strange creatures that invite us to enter their stories. She works in various areas such as illustration, sculpture, graphic design and scenography. She contributes regularly to solo and collective exhibitions.

Sara Bandarra
She was born in Aveiro, Portugal, and is a designer (ESAD), teacher and illustrator. She has contributed to a number of collective and solo exhibitions and has organised illustration workshops. Her work has been awarded at events such as Encontro Internacional de Ilustração de S. João da Madeira, BIG - Bienal de Ilustração de Guimarães, and Piip - Prémio Internacional de Ilustração em Porcelana 2019 (Vista Alegre/Tcharan Editora). She has published a number of illustration projects. In 2018, in a co-authorship with Ana Pessoa, she launched the accordion-book As Casas Abandonadas. A second book from this partnership is coming out soon: O retrato inacabado de mulher dentro de casa.
Sónia Borges
Born in Mirandela, Portugal, she’s a freelancer illustrator living in Oporto. She has published a number of books, including O que é que o crocodilo come ao meio-dia? by Clara Haddad, 2020, Vermelho de dar dó, by Cristiano Gouveia (Brasil), 2017, and has contributed to a number of projects such as CASAhome – 2020, Where is Mister M?, Andorinha and Folhas de Famílias from the exhibitions at the Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Fundação de Serralves (Oporto). There are still a lot of stories awaiting for her illustrations and she believes that books, writing and illustrations are vital elements for children’s and adult’s development of creativity, imagination, knowledge, critical thought, horizons and dreams.

Sónia Queimado-Lima
She was born in Africa, and is still living! Temperamental and emotional, she likes to break the rules, learning everyday and following nothing, waiting for new ideas to come, with which to improve the world. Art is her passion and spirit and she creates her own path, her very own.
Sónia Travassos
She was born in Coimbra, Portugal, and graduated in Law from the University of Coimbra, and Psychology from the Universitat Abat Oliba Ceu, Barcelona. She has an MA in Clinical Psychology from the Instituto de Psicologia Aplicada, Lisbon. Her paintings shape society and human relations through neo-expressionism style. Her work is represented in personal, national and international collections. She has contributed to solo and collective exhibitions such as Anthology Biennial of Art, Milano, Italy; Goy Art, Roma, Italy; Res non Verba, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain; Galerie Espace D' Un Instant, Paris, France.

Thais Beltrame
She was born in São Paulo, Brazil. She graduated in Visual Arts from the Columbia College Chicago, and has contributed to a number of collective and solo exhibitions in Brazil, Europe and United States, where she was also selected for Arts Residences. Her work has been featured and praised in a number of national and international publications, such as the magazine Juxtapoz. She has illustrated over a dozen of books; some were awarded important prizes such as Prêmio Jabuti and featured in golden selections. She lives and works in Serra da Mantiqueira (Brazil).
Yara Kono
She was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and is an illustrator and graphic designer. She graduated in Design and Communication from EPA (BR). In 2000 she received a scholarship from Yamanashi Design Center (JP) and lived there for one year. She lives in Portugal and is part of the Planeta Tangerina team since 2004. She won the National Prize of Illustration and Bissaya Barreto Prize (PT), received Mentions in Compostela International Prize (ES), Nami Concours (KR) and was seleted to Bologna Illustrators Exhibition.

Zé Golungo
He was born in Angola and published a number of poetry and prose books, from which the last one is the novel Se os Ministros Morassem no Musseque (2019). In 2015, he won the Culture and Arts National Prize in the literature category. His book Lenda da Mãe África e do Filho que Vendeu o Coração won the 2019 edition of the literary award Jardim do Livro Infantil. He's a professor of Portuguese Language at Social Sciences Faculty, University Agostinho Neto.